Friday, February 12, 2010

BevMo! Shout Out! (A Brief Detour)

Okay, shopping on the internet is the coolest thing ever!  I just clicked over to BevMo!  Selected the 5 cent sale option, selected reds, and, voila! There they are!  Buy one at regular price, get the second bottle (same vintage) for a nickel!  Yeah, baby, Sweeeeet!

So, I ordered my case, paid for it, and then all I have to do is drive down to the BevMo! store and pick it up at the "will call."  I'ma lovin' it!

Well, today's case on top of the case I bought LAST week from Safeway, required some serious revision to my current wine storage strategy.  Frankly, I was running out of room.  This necessitated a visit to Cost Plus World Market, where my "Explorer" membership got me a 20% discount on some totally cute little table top wine racks that hold three bottles each.  I bought four of those, and again, voila! I've got a wine storage unit that actually looks half way decent.

That's pretty much my day.  Well, the non-Home-Tour-related part of it which even I am getting kind of sick of hearing about.  Cracked open the recently purchased "Irony Pinot Noir '07" just to make sure it was okay.

Now, since my eyelids pretty much are starting to feel like sandpaper scraping across my corneas, I just might have to call it a night - I always think that and then end up reading until about midnight (in the middle of a compelling book written by an archeologist who is infatuated with the Anasazi of the Southwest - which PC folks are trying to call "Ancestral Puebloans" but that is kind of going over like a turd in a punchbowl).

See, there I go rambling on.  Hard to get out a coherent sentence.  So, instead of more feeble attempts, I'll just show you a picture of my totally cool wine racks.

You know you want one.