Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Really... It's Going to Rain... Again?!

Yuppers.  That's the forecast for tomorrow.  Ed (the painter), called this morning and said it'll be Tuesday... or maybe Wednesday... depending on the weather.  We're getting close enough to Tour Day that I am getting nervous.  Did a little painting of my own just to feel like I was making some progress.  I know he'll get done in one day what it would take me like, a month, but still...

See, I painted the window...

So, I did some more pruning, raking, trimming back vegetation so that when Ed does arrive, he can whiz through like a painting dervish.

Here you can see where I pruned back the bougainvillea so Ed can get to the soffit and the trim.  I can't believe that Mom thinks all those wires and power boxes and stuff look tacky.  I mean, what's not to love? Ha ha.  Just kidding, Mom.  I'm gonna remove some of the more unsightly wires before tour.

If it's truly raining tomorrow, I will focus on the inside and maybe do some painting in the garage (on stuff like the mailbox for the garden tools - not the actual garage).

That's all I got...