Friday, February 19, 2010

The Week After the Week Before...

Last Friday I was frantically scurrying around getting ready for the Home Tour.  This Friday, I went roller blading with Tracy with the added bonus of getting to watch her fall on her butt in what was, I must say, a classic, yet dignified manner:  Down the ramp, hairpin turn, a little gravel, Tracy out of control but pretending she's doing the Giant Slalom or something (she has been watching the Olympics), them, bam!  Right on her ass!  Oh, yeah, who's laughing at who's wrist guards now, girlfriend!?  Actually, she only bloodied one finger, although I've got a great idea for protective padded butt-wear (you heard about it here, first!)

Since I have no photos of Tracy falling on her butt, I'll show you the garden.  I know, I know, next time I WILL have the camera with me, I promise!

'Clem snoozing among the new tomato plants.

Playing with shadows.


Red Leaf Lettuce.

My New Garden Angel - A Gift from Mary Lynn.

The greens have bolted in the warmer weather.

Kitchen Herb Garden.

Lavender, Aloe, and Mother-in-Law's Tongue.

Green Onions.

You know, gardening is just good for the soul!