It's overcast today. Forecast is for thunderstorms, scattered showers. Probably a great day to clean out the pond. Thin the plants. Pull up the insidious Bermuda grass that encroaches on everything.
I'm at the point, now, where it's really hard to sleep because I have a million little details of things "to do" running through my head. Yes, yes, I've got the notebook, I've got lists, but as soon as I cross off one thing, something else finds its way into the book! And, there is a long list of things that simply can't be done until the very last minute - so I guestimate how long that will take so I can be sucking down that cocktail promptly at three!
Things to do:
- Clean toilet - Hell, clean the whole bathroom.
- Ditto kitchen
- Dust shelf in kitchen window
- Put cute heart cookies in cookie jar
- Get out ice chest for drinks for my helpers
- Get out bottle opener and aerator for drinks for my helpers
- Snacks for my helpers
- Change the sheets
- Vacuum
- Put away all the little weird things like 'Clem's food bowl (day of)
- Mow, edge, rake lawn in front
- Trim lantana - just a tad
- Betty and Jack are bringing roses on Friday
- Do something with that underwear drawer!
- Empty trash and recycling
- Touch up porch cracks
- Put away laundry
- Wash windows
And that's just a sample...
I think I'll spend all of next week sleeping. Okay maybe only most of next week sleeping. Okay, maybe just napping...
A little dove by the pond. 'Clem loves the little doves. They taste just like chicken.