Saturday, January 23, 2010

Home Tour, Ho!

"What, oh, what, was I thinking?"  (And I've been having that thought quite frequently as of late.)  Nonetheless, on February 14th, the little house will be open for the our neighborhood's Annual Home Tour and Mary's super cute vintage pattern teardrop trailer will be camped under the pergola, and the garden will be open - all as part of the magic of the experience for, oh, 3,000 people or so who cough up about $15 each to see what it's like to live inside a toy house in an historic district.

We've got Geologists meet Valentine's Day with a dash of Cowgirl.  Lots of planning and more planning and furniture shuffling, pruning, and, OMG! Painting!  I've called in the Big Guns (that would be Ed and his father, Ed), and he swears we'll be done in time.  Of course it's been raining nearly non-stop for a week so I'm starting to panic.  Well, just a tad...

At least the pruning is well in hand (Big Shout Out to Julie, Mom, and Dad!).  Now, I've just got "trimming" and general tidying up in the garden... get some more bark, fresh flowers, vegetables, a lobotomy...

Stay tuned and experience the thrill of preparation right along with Mary and me.  I'll even provide "sneak peeks" of what others are gonna actually pay money to see!  (Oh, yeah, disclaimer time: the proceeds from the Home Tour go into the coffers of the Neighborhood Association which is a not-for-profit association to benefit the Historic District.  The Home Owners - that would be me - receive no monetary compensation for this event - but we do get to go to some totally awesome parties!)

The microscopic bathroom has original tile, bathtub, and cabinets.
(And, as I have previously mentioned, I can sit on the toilet AND throw up in the sink at the same time!)

The entry way has been painted - very nice...

Mary's Vintage Pattern TearDrop Trailer.

The Kitchen in the Trailer

Come back soon as we continue our frenetic, headlong rush of insanity towards TOUR DAY!