Next on the agenda is the gable and windows on the east side of the house. I have yet another delay, however. In lieu of painting I shall be in the field for several days working. It is a hurry up and wait sort of project. I had known for several weeks that this was a possibility and then yesterday (Tuesday), I got the word: can I be there Thursday (tomorrow)? Yes. I can. And I will be.
And so the scrapers and sandpaper, brushes and paint shall remain in their cupboard until I return.
In the meantime, rather than start a phase I knew I couldn't finish, I spent time on the vegetable garden. It seems that all I have to do is let it slip out of my mind for only a day or two and it bolts. This artichoke was "almost" ready to eat and in the blink of an eye, it's too late. It is going to flower and soon will go to seed. That's okay as I think it is a beautiful thing.
Bulk trash pick-up was today so I spent a bit of time cleaning up the after the loader had done it's business. We'd stacked a pile of cuttings from the Mulberry for pick-up and they were taken away. I'd also trimmed back the cactus that were "encroaching" on the alley.
I try to find a point of balance: working on the painting project but also keeping up with the needs of the garden. As it gets hotter the vegetation demands more attention: some to stay alive and some, like the Bermuda grass, needs to be beaten back or it will take over everything.
Prickly Pear
Cholla and Globe Mallow
Baby cantaloupe from Mary!
I planted one of the cantaloupes in a raised bed in the vegetable garden and the other I planted in the front yard beneath the lemon tree. Hopefully, they will thrive and bear fruit!
i am an earth and environmental scientist living and loving in the southwestern desert. i share my space with my geologist spouse, two felines, desert tortoises, and some very tiny fish.