Sunday, November 8, 2009

Drum Roll, Please...

Don't faint but I've started painting, again.  This week I tackled the west gable - the hot side of the house.  And it was hot.  This gable is much larger than the gables on the garage and there is a pepper tree, lantana, and several cacti that make it difficult to maneuver the extension ladder.

I'm fortunate I'm not afraid of heights.  Climbing that ladder with a bucket in my hand was like the uber stair master!  Scraping, sanding and brushwork do nice things for arms (after they stop hurting, anyway!).  Lots of time to ponder while I'm up there, too.

I'll take it slow and go in stages so that I've completed one "area" entirely, before I move on.  The house may be two colors for yet a little while longer but I don't think it will be terribly obvious.  Not really.  The front of the house, facing north and being spared the relentless sun, looks nice still, and so it shall be last.  In all likelihood, the front gable the shutters and window boxes will wait until after Home Tour, as I don't want to cut away all the honeysuckle to get at them - they won't have adequate time to recover. I'll do the trim, though - for continuity.  And the front porch - after the security door is installed.

Tomorrow will be the windows on the west side and then I shall plant more cactus and rake the gravel and call it good!  The weather has been simply lovely and I am looking forward to more time outside.