On to the garden (the garden?). Yes, the garden! As the entire house and the garden will be featured during the tour, I need to start work out there now - the inside can wait but the plants need tending to keep them looking good - or at least mostly alive - for the next two months.
There was also a goodly amount of "junk" festering about the place. You know, those scraps of wood that might be used for "something" and about six hose nozzles in questionable condition. I found, as well, a lovely piece of travertine in the alley and, voila! it is now the top of my potting table. Moved the rain gauge... There always seems to be something more to do.
My hope is that when all is said and done the garden will be more productive in addition to being beautiful. It's so restful to work in the garden - rewarding, too, especially when we actually eat something delicious fresh from the soil.
I painted the back gate and we added also a wee little door for 'Clem to use - bottom right. Can you see it?
There it is! We leave it open for him and he just hops right on through. I am always fearful of him tangling with all the cactus I planted along the fence - this way he can come through the gate and avoid the stickers.
My travertine-topped potting table. Very nice.
The shell chair and gate painted to match the house.
Inspired by Chihuly. (Repetition of Form)
Miniature garden of succulents.
And so it goes...